all postcodes in GL6 / STONEHOUSE

find any address or company within the GL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL6 8AA 20 1 51.725128 -2.160504
GL6 8FU 1 0 51.727994 -2.159158
GL6 8FZ 1 0 51.727478 -2.158413
GL6 8AB 54 0 51.726523 -2.162903
GL6 8AD 17 0 51.726971 -2.163976
GL6 8AE 13 0 51.727147 -2.16651
GL6 8AF 10 0 51.727416 -2.167394
GL6 8AG 16 0 51.723681 -2.170131
GL6 8AH 1 0 51.722155 -2.16833
GL6 8AJ 22 0 51.722119 -2.168041
GL6 8AL 2 0 51.720986 -2.177543
GL6 8AP 5 0 51.722996 -2.1712
GL6 8AQ 6 0 51.722793 -2.168362
GL6 8AR 7 0 51.723382 -2.171245
GL6 8AS 23 1 51.723278 -2.172123
GL6 8AT 31 0 51.726 -2.170372
GL6 8AU 9 0 51.727356 -2.171622
GL6 8AW 3 0 51.72241 -2.171835
GL6 8AX 11 0 51.727765 -2.171923
GL6 8AY 12 0 51.728785 -2.171671